Applications & Frameworks
Our Mission
BrightStars helps families in Rhode Island access quality child care, early learning, and school-age programs. We help child care providers learn about best practices in early learning and apply them to the care children receive. We recognize program quality and give parents information to make choices about their children’s care and education. We support programs to develop and meet quality improvement goals.
Application Materials
Family Child Care Providers
Family child care providers must complete an application to participate in BrightStars. BrightStars is a five-level Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System, with each level corresponding to a star rating. Providers should indicate their desired star rating on the application; this can be determined by reviewing the BrightStars Family Child Care Quality Framework; support is also available to determine your star rating by contacting BrightStars staff. BrightStars will review each application and will work with providers to help them achieve their desired star rating. Providers should also review our Information and Policies for Family Child Care to learn more about the application and rating process.
Family Child Care Application Forms & Information
Application Materials
Child Care Centers and Preschools
Child care centers must complete an application to participate in BrightStars. BrightStars is a five-level Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System, with each level corresponding to a star rating. Programs should indicate their desired star rating on the application; this can be determined by reviewing BrightStars’ BrightStars Child Care Center and Preschool Quality Framework; support is also available to determine your star rating by contacting BrightStars staff. BrightStars will review each application and will work with child care programs to help them achieve their desired star rating. Programs should also review our Information and Policies for Child Care Centers and Preschools to learn more about the application and rating process.
Please Note: For application support, please contact your BrightStars Navigator or email
BrightStars Child Care Center Applications and Information
Application Materials
Public Schools
Public Schools Application & Information
Application Materials
School-Age Programs
School-age (K-5) programs must complete an application to participate in BrightStars. Programs should indicate their desired star rating on the application; this can be determined by reviewing the BrightStars School-Age Child Care (K-5) Quality Framework; support is also available to determine your star rating by contacting BrightStars staff. BrightStars will review each application and will work with child care programs to help them achieve their desired star rating. Programs should also review our Information and Policies for School-Age Programs to learn more about the application and rating process.